Vasectomy – Male sterilization

The number male sterilizations carried out has been on the rise for some years now. Meanwhile, there are
now urologists who have specialized in this field in most of the bigger sized cities.
In the Vasectomy Centre Berlin you can have extensive medical consultations on this topic.
To this end, all you need do is arrange an appointment for a personal medical consult and preliminary
information meeting. This is where you will receive all the required and also detailed information about
the operation.
If this form of the contraception would be an option for you, following this appointment, you can agree on
a surgery date. The Vasectomy Centre Berlin has its treatment and ORs in the Friedrichshain medical center
and these are in compliance with the most up to date medical and technical standards.
On the following pages, we have summarized the most useful information on the topic of "Male sterilization" for you.
Their Reimar Domnitz Specialist for urology / Andrology / specialist male physician c.m.i. Head of Vasectomy Centre Berlin
Surgery Vasectomy in Berlin | Watch Video on YouTube
Contact the Vasectomy Centre Berlin
You can get further information at the Vasectomy Centre Berlin.
Please make an appointment for an initial medical consultation and clarification conversation.
Phone: (030) 120 535 150
Fax: (030) 42 10 89 48