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How safe is a vasectomy?

Vasectomy counts among the safest contraception possibilities. It is a simple method of permanent contraception.

As the vas deferens are severed in vasectomy and then sealed, the passage of sperm is reliably interrupted.

Nevertheless, men should check the complete and lasting separation of the vas deferens with follow-up medical examinations for, following vasectomy and in spite of flawless surgical intervention, an undesirable passage of the sperms may still result. Such an unintentional reunification of the vas deferens can appear in rare cases. This may happen in spite of an optimum surgical and postal-surgical care.

The examination is carried out with the help of a Spermiograms. On this occasion, the ejaculated semen is examined for any fertile sperms present.

Vasectomy - the permanent contraception method

Men deciding on a vasectomy should consider that vasectomy is basically a permanent and irreversible contraception method.

However, surgery is possible for the subsequent reunification of the vas deferens. Albeit, the success of the so-called Vasectomy Reversal cannot be guaranteed.

Thus, the following applies in summary: vasectomy is a very safe and effective form of contraception. Plus, vasectomy is performed by experts who can do this in a quick and safe manner. However, one aspect remains up to the men or couples: making a clear and final decision.

Contact the Vasectomy Centre Berlin

You can get further information at the Vasectomy Centre Berlin.
Please make an appointment for an initial medical consultation and clarification conversation.

Phone: (030) 120 535 150
Fax: (030) 42 10 89 48